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Scholarships for secondary teaching degrees

The Victorian Government is investing more than $93.2 million to deliver scholarships to support secondary and specialist initial teacher education students with the cost of studying and living.

Now open

Applications are now open for Secondary Teaching Scholarships (STS).

Applications close Sunday 27 April 2025.

If you are a Victorian resident and enrolling in an accredited secondary or specialist school teaching degree you could be eligible for a Secondary Teaching Scholarship (STS) that pays you while you learn and supports you with costs of studying and living.

The scholarships are part of the Victorian Government’s $229.8 million investment to support the teaching workforce in Victoria, across five key priority areas:

  • attraction
  • recruitment
  • supporting early-career teachers
  • retention
  • career development.

STS is available to students residing in Victoria or a designated border community who enrol and commence studying in an eligible secondary school teaching degree in 2024 and 2025 or enrol and commence studying a primary-specialist initial teacher education (ITE) degree in 2025. Students who discontinued their eligible ITE study prior to 2022 and have not completed their eligible ITE qualifications nor enrolled in secondary ITE study in either 2022 or 2023 and are returning to their eligible ITE study are also eligible.

Further payments are available if a STS recipient works as a teacher in a Victorian government secondary or specialist school setting after they complete their degree requirements.

STS consists of two phases: a study phase and an employment phase.

During the study phase:

  • Eligible undergraduate students will receive approximately $9,600 across their 4-year full-time equivalent (FTE) teaching degree.
  • Eligible postgraduate students will receive approximately $5,700 across their 2-year FTE teaching degree.

During the employment phase, which occurs when STS recipients secure a job as a teacher in a Victorian government secondary or specialist school setting within 15 months of completing a teaching qualification:

  • Eligible undergraduate student graduates will receive approximately $8,400 during their first two years of teaching in a Victorian government secondary or specialist school setting (a total of approximately $18,000 when combined with the study component).
  • Eligible postgraduate student graduates will receive approximately $3,300 across their first two years of teaching in a Victorian government secondary or specialist school setting (a total of approximately $9,000 when combined with the study component).


  • These figures are rounded and represent payment amounts in 2024. Payments will be indexed at the Standard Victorian Government rate of 2.5% per annum.
  • As STS payments are phased across study and employment periods, STS recipients need to meet upfront student fees required by their teaching degree provider.
  • STS payments are designed to support secondary school teaching students with the costs of studying and living. This may include repayment of Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) loans taken to meet student fee obligations. Students are not obliged to use the scholarship payments to pay for the costs of their study. In addition, as payments are phased, students remain responsible for meeting up-front payments (or arranging deferral by HELP loan) by the due date to their ITE provider and meeting any other study costs.

The total potential STS payments from study and employment periods combined are based on the standard student contribution, at the date the scholarships were announced, for a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) in an undergraduate or postgraduate secondary ITE degree. Eligibility for STS is not affected by whether or not an applicant has been granted a CSP.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for STS, an applicant must be:

  • A Victorian or designated border community resident domestic student. For the purposes of STS, this is defined as:
    • an Australian citizen, or
    • an Australian permanent resident, or
    • a New Zealand citizen living in Victoria, or
    • an Australian permanent humanitarian visa holder


  • someone whose place of primary residence is in Victoria or a designated border community during completion of their eligible ITE degree (see below for a list of designated border communities).


  • enrolled in a secondary or dual qualification (primary-secondary or secondary-specialist) school ITE degree accredited by the VIT, or accredited by an equivalent regulatory State or Territory authority and recognised by the VIT, with a first census date between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2025. Students enrolled in and commencing primary-specialist ITE degree in 2025 and students who discontinued their eligible ITE study prior to 2022 who have not completed their eligible ITE qualifications nor enrolled in secondary ITE study in either 2022 or 2023 and are returning to their eligible ITE study are now eligible.


  • undertaking the eligible degree at a minimum of 50% study load (equivalent full-time study load – EFTSL) at the time of assessment.

Note: Victorian residents who are enrolled in a secondary or primary-secondary school ITE program at a non-Victorian ITE provider, and meet all other eligibility criteria, may apply for STS. Eligibility will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Department of Education.

Eligibility includes enrolees in both undergraduate and postgraduate Victorian secondary ITE programs.

Next steps

Before applying please read the STS Program (Study Phase) Guidelines.

Apply now(opens in a new window)

Applications close Sunday 27 April 2025.

Applications will reopen in August 2025.

If you would like to be notified when the application portal opens for Round 4 in August 2025, please submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) form.

(Please note that submission of the EOI form is not a STS application and does not confirm your eligibility for the scholarship).

Eligibility questions

Application questions

Payment and post education questions

Designated border community questions

More information

  • If you receive a scholarship, you are responsible for meeting all course requirements.
  • You are not obliged to use the scholarship payments to pay for the costs of your study. In addition, as the payments are phased, you are responsible for meeting up-front payments (or arranging deferral by HECS-HELP/FEE-HELP loan) by the due date to your provider, and meeting any other study costs.
  • If you do not complete the full ITE program (for example, withdraw from the program following the census date or do not complete the course requirements), you will not receive further funding.
  • If you do not return to study the following semester or year, you will not be eligible for any further funding.
  • The Department of Education is not required to withhold tax (PAYG) from scholarships paid. You should be aware:
  • The Department of Education strongly recommends that recipients seek independent tax advice for their scholarship payment.

Contact us

If you require any additional information or have queries on:
